Mental Writings at traffic lights

Words pour into my mind to post to this blog while I am sitting at traffic lights. I write in my journal, what bothers me, and who I strive to be. I feel unable to post recent things to the web perhaps because they are insecure, or critical, or too raw to share publicly in this format. Which leads me to muse over the purpose of my blog. When I started I wanted to use it as a public reflection about my projects and journey for artistic experiences. You the reader are privy to my own voice within that writing, a voice that is nonetheless edited. I try not to post things that I wouldn't feel comfortable with everyone reading or be able to stand behind. Still I saw a funny poster that said Bloggers-so much to say, so little people to actually read it.

What do I get out of this? The ability to share my adventures with distant friends and family whom I don't get to speak with regularly, a chance to share a bit of my perspective with new friends or art supporters, a space to highlight specialness around me. Alright so mentally I haven't discontinued this blog. But perhaps I feel I do owe any readers a catch up on my summer, as it has ended and I am back at school again.

1. Hardest thing of this summer was that I faced my inner weight demon and critic of body image and joined weight watchers. This has led me to lose, as of today, 15 lbs. I am proud of myself because as someone who grew up with an eating disorder, watched a friend die from it, and then decided to never restrict my food habits again, I've finally been able to approach my food with a healthy balanced easy attitude. Plus I am comfortable in my body for one of the first times in my life.

2. Worked and worked so more. Taught animation classes and a summer Girl Power program at my middle school. I have been teaching at these institutions for a while so I am excited that I can focus on the effectiveness and style of my teaching over discipline and understanding that age level.

3. Trips. Went to South Carolina, D.C., and New York to see friends and look at art. Ended my summer by visiting friends in Chicago.

4. Project Closure and New Beginnings. Spoke at a Pecha Kucha and was able to prepare all my parade research in a culminating presentation. Lyndsey and I worked on completing a Parade Zine and mailing out all our parade thank yous. Received a grant from Critical Mass that will enable me to begin telling the Kirkwood Shooting Story.

5. Athleticism. Joined a weight lifting class for women and learned I was genetically strong. Kick ass.

6. Connected with friends and family at family reunion and in a visit with Cam's Dad and his girlfriend Deanne. Students from UK- Ming and Alex visited.

7. Wasted time looking for deleted files on my hard drive and watching CSI shows.

8. Continued to be fascinated with a family of Mourning Doves that have made a home near my house and sing to me for food.

9. Began to plan for Community Art Projects for SGC printmaking conference in March of 2011.

10. Kept dreaming of foreign travel, putting pennies in my savings account when I could.


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