the not so starving artist project
I've been thinking that one of this biggest problems in my life right now is how to live as an artist and be able to have a successful career, access to health care, opportunity to travel, and have relationships/family/home. Perhaps it is because I am feeling blue today because I'm in one of those financially rocky moments where it seems like all I do is work only to watch all my income slip away to bills. Despite my two plus jobs, grant, trades, and occasional art income or odd jobs, I can barely keep afloat. When I have that feeling of sinking I just begin to question why doesn't the universe provide and then subsequently should I even pursue this crazy endeavor of being an artist. Teachers rarely talk about this sort of stuff at school because even that is a pyramid system in which they could be knocked off any minute and that relies on students buying into the idea that some day they might make it. Anyhow the most interesting and honest thing I can offer to the world right now is my attempts to resolve and process this problem.
I always think about being born into a situation where pursuing art wasn't an option and this makes me feel lucky to have the opportunity.
i believe a FT job in the arts helps legitimize the pursuit somewhat. there's sometimes great rewards that come from a tenure track position but i've also watched people become very comfortable and loose the interest in having a vital practice.
i can't figure what else i'd rather do and more often than not i utilize the "fuck it" approach and do what i want...especially when faced with adversity.
most of us are in the same boat, i've had the job and i've struggled with juggling jobs and it comes and go's. it gets harder when you've got bigger responsibilities than yourself so for now you should be a little more selfish. you should enjoy the down time with making things. this down time will subside and then you wont have any time.
you've had a pretty good run btw so i wouldn't feel so down.
you have to just keep your practice going. that's easy though right? what else is there except for fly fishing...sort of the same thing. fly fishing in the dismal swamp.