Getting to the Studio

Since I received the CALOP grant for my animation project Elegy to Connie, I've been trying to keep really regular studio hours.  I estimated that I can animate between 1-2mins/week if I log around 20hrs.  I am almost at twenty minutes animated, so in less than 10months I should have all animation complete.  It is not always easy getting into my studio.  In the past I tended to prioritize paying gigs over my studio hours, until I noticed that they slowly had crumbled away.  Now I try to log studio hours like I'd log a time sheet.  This helps for a few reasons.  Looking back on my weekly "Art" time sheet, I am reminded when to put in more hours and when to take a break.  Even the smallest bit of time grabbed during an evening at home counts.  Plus I can't get hung up on a particular project or part of the animation, I just try to keep plugging away.  This week has been hard because I have been sick for about eight days.  When I would sit in my studio my head felt cloudy and confused.  I did make it to my studio though and even if I fall a little short of time, I'm sure I'll make it up elsewhere.  This is the process that I am putting my trust in; if I show up and work hard something unique will come out of it all.


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