I have been thinking that I would like to document the progress of my newest project the Cherokee St parade on this blog. So the following is a recap made by Lindsey about our first Parade meeting:

Friday: was fun! Thirteen folks showed, and after a hi hello go-round, Sara intro'd us to the concept of 'communitas' and 'collective effervescence' and a brief history of parade-inspiration, as well as a look into her work and inspiration. She described her painting show and hopes for this year's parade -- a crew of characters at least 50-strong, circling around and up Cherokee. We brainstormed who'd be excited to participate, and batted around some parade-route ideas (to be finalized) and start-times (did we settle on 1:11pm?).

some notes
>the wacky beloved Mucca Pazza is performing at the fest and interested in parading. yeehaw!
>Jason and Will will take care of permits & liability issues in sync with overall Cinco affairs.
>Galen's got great antics up his sleeves, including an all-volvo car show
>Fire Dog's new "Heart is a Muscle" CD will release that night at Off Broadway
>Potential collaboration with Roosevelt High's band and/or art classes?
>Sara will send out text blurb soon to pass on info to invite as many collaborators as possible. She will serve as main point of contact.
>A flier to come soon, to stick under windsheild wipers to invite shiny hubcaps, big bass systems, and dope low-rides
-- & how else to make it more inclusive than just art crowd?
>Desire to incorporate as many neighborhood kids as possible -- bulk hula-hoops? & potentially mask-making/etc in weeks prior @ CAMP

***** Need support in marketing/advertising/flyering/door-to-door to invite neighbors and businesses -- anyone?
***** Dancers/artists/costumers Interested in teaching a kids' "circus" curriculum to prep the neighborhood kids for parade? -- email Lyndsey
*****Watch for a 'fact-finding ;) field trip' to Mardi Gras parade, soon in a neighborhood near you.

If you know what you want to bring, email Sara -- she's keeping the running list.
Perhaps another meeting in April to clarify route of travel, etc.


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